Consulate General of Ghana in New York advises youth to be patient and tolerant in life

The Consulate General of Ghana in New York, Hon. Daniel Kingsley Atta Boafo has urged Ghanaian youth to endeavour to be patient and tolerant as they pursue their goals in life.
He gave the advice in a video on social media by narrating this story.
“A lady who had a poultry farm shared a fence wall with a neighbour, a man who also reared dogs. They were friends. But the man’s dogs were in a habit of always jumping the fence wall and attacking the woman’s fowls. The woman complained several times but the man refused to do anything about it. She advised him to either chain or cage the dog but he refused to act. The issue was threatening to mar their friendship. Feeling worried, she sought advice from an elderly wise man. The man asked her to gift some of her fowls to the man. She looked at the Oldman in shock. The Oldman told her if she wants to maintain the friendship with the man, then she should heed his advice. She obeyed and gifted six fowls to the man and he was happy about it. But soon after, the man’s own dogs started attacking the fowls that had been gifted him. He became angry and caged the dogs. This allowed the fowls to hatch eggs. He then decided to reciprocate by gifting the woman some of the eggs. She was happy and thanked him for caging his dogs for both of them to have their peace of mind and be happy.”
Speaking further, Hon. Daniel Kingsley Atta Boafo advised that since nobody is an island unto him or herself, it is important that everyone lives in peace especially with one’s neighbours.
“Sometimes people wrong you in so many ways or don’t deal with you well, but be patient, pray over the issue and seek counsel from experienced people and heed the advise. No human being is an island unto him or herself so it is important that we live in peace. Let’s learn to build bridges rather than walls. When you build bridges you can walk on it but when you build a wall you block your access because you can’t jump over it always.Let’s learn to make good friends and not enemies. From the story I narrated, we realised that the woman sought advice when she had issues. We should all learn to fall on good people for advice when necessary,” Hon. Daniel Kingsley Atta Boafo advised.