GEXIM launches Made-in-Ghana 4p campaign

The Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM) has begun a nation-wide campaign dubbed Made-In-Ghana 4P to encourage Ghanaians to support the growth and development of indigenous businesses.
The bank’s mission is to facilitate the transformation of Ghana’s economy into an export-led one by supporting and developing trade between Ghana and other countries and also building Ghana’s capacity and competitiveness in the international marketplace.
For the past three and half years, GEXIM says it has been the main financial institution driving the realisation of the 1-District 1-Factory special initiative aimed at the socio-economic development of the country.
Part of the GEXIM’s mandate is to assist in the promotion of locally produced goods and services to enhance export revenue generation, improve import-substitution, add value, and create employment in the country. It is against this backdrop that this campaign was launched.
The aim is to encourage Ghanaians to support their own products and make local industries competitive. Hence, the campaign according to GEXIM will focus on four thematic areas to make up the 4Ps: PRODUCE – PROMOTE – PURCHASE – PROSPER.
Explaining the 4Ps the bank said:
PRODUCE: To encourage entrepreneurship amongst the citizenry by investing in the production of local goods and services.
PROMOTE: To encourage businesses in local production to promote their products and services for both local and foreign consumption.
PURCHASE: To encourage Ghanaians to choose local over foreign goods, help local businesses grow, provide opportunities, and reduce the dependency on imported goods. The more Ghanaians patronize locally produced goods and services, the more businesses will grow and provide opportunities for others, which in effect will put the country on track to becoming self-sufficient and relying less on imports.
PROSPER: To sensitize Ghanaians that as a nation, if we invest in local production, promote our products and purchase our own goods and services, the economy will grow, which ultimately make the nation Prosper.
As part of the campaign and in tandem with GEXIM’s support for the creative industry, the Bank has contracted brand ambassadors and influencers who have shown prowess in their respective fields and have interest in this campaign to help push the made in Ghana agenda.