
US court throws out anti-Nduom, GN Bank lawsuit

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A US Federal court in Chicago, Illinois, has thrown out a case brought before it against the Chairman of GN Bank, Paa Kwesi Nduom

A US federal court in Chicago, Illinois, has thrown out a case brought before it against the Chairman of GN Bank, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom, GN Bank and others.

This was disclosed by the owner of the defunct bank, Dr Nduom on Tuesday, 23 November 2021.

US-based equity fund and securities Investment Company, Birim Group LLC, dragged Dr Nduom and some 18 others to court over claims of wire fraud and money laundering.   

However, Groupe Nduom filed a motion seeking for the case to be dismissed on Monday, 5 April 2021.

The court, presided over by District Judge Thomas M Durkin, dismissed the case on Tuesday, 23 November 2021.

Reacting to the ruling by the court in a post on Facebook, the businessman wrote: “‘For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29: 11.”

He added: “I am extremely happy to report that the Birim Group Lawsuit filed against me and others in the USA alleging money laundering etc., has been DISMISSED!!!

“Thank you, Lord!”

The Bank of Ghana (BoG) on Friday, 16 August 2019, revoked the licences of 23 insolvent savings and loans companies and finance house companies including GN Savings and Loans belonging to the businessman. 

Source: classfm

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